Author: Rod Piechowski

  • Coming Face to Face With Bias in Global Health Imagery

    Esmita Charani Societal biases appear just about everywhere, and once you notice them, it is impossible to ignore how they affect our decisions and they way we build our societies. You also realize how normalized they can be. Artificial intelligence trainers are thinking more about bias in data sets. Data scientists are thinking more about…

  • Commercial Determinants of Health: A Conversation With Anna Gilmore

    Anna Gilmore A couple of episodes back, I had the pleasure of interviewing Rob Moodie, who led a project to examine commercial determinants of health in more detail. The result was a three-paper series published in The Lancet. The project produced a model that illustrates the intricate interrelationships among the various commercial actors, their drivers,…

  • Collateral Damage: The Impact of Dementia Caregiving

    MaryAnne Sterling, CEA In this episode I discuss the experience of caregiving, especially related to family members with dementia, with MaryAnne Sterling. MaryAnne is a caregiver advocate and subject matter expert in the Alzheimer’s disease community. Her experiences with caring for family members with dementia, and a long term commitment to making a difference makes…

  • Commercial Determinants: Powerful Influence on Society and Health

    Rob Moodie sees a big issue and solutions that require us to re-examine our values not just as individuals but as organizations with commercial interests. Commerical Determinants of Health (CDoH) have a powerful influence on society and health. First, some background. Within the world of healthcare, the concept of Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) has…

  • You Must Resuscitate: How COVID Changed Frank Cutitta

    So far in the Respecting Health series we’ve talked about societal values and how they affect a culture’s approach to health; we’ve talked about the experiences of physicians and the changes in approaches to (and ability to address) public health over the course of their careers. This time out, I take a look at what…

  • Greed and Health: Don Berwick Has Seen Enough

    In this episode of Respecting Health, we look at Greed! Have you ever wondered about high prices, or why some countries can provide healthcare for everyone while others cannot? The discussion in this episode pulls aside the curtain and looks at this challenging topic. As always on Respecting Health, we talk values. Values can have…

  • Culture and Health: A Physician Perspective

      Hello all! This is a great episode with Charles Alessi, and we cover a lot of important ground: culture, ethics, the physician and patient experience, information technology, and more. Recall that in the last episode, I spoke with Carlos Torelli about culture and health from a more academic perspective. In this episode of Respecting…

  • Individualism, Collectivism, Societal Values, and Health

    What is the connection between societal values and health? Is there an additional connection to the way we build institutions? How about the way we frame societal goals and solutions? My guest for this episode of Respecting Health is Carlos Torelli. Dr. Torelli is Professor of Marketing, Head of the Department of Business Administration, and…

  • Consider Values for Better Health: Respecting Health E000

    Welcome to Respecting Health. Societal values and priorities influence health of both people and the planet. I’m Rod Piechowski, and in this episode I’ll introduce myself and you’ll also hear some excerpts from two upcoming shows. The idea behind this show is to highlight different approaches to health, and the values that drive those approaches.…